Something amazing, I guess

Stories only happen to people who can tell them. Allan Gurganus I must be able to tell stories, because stories sure as shit happen to me a lot. 26 years ago today, I landed at the International airport in Houston with my parents and older sister. A scrawny 13-year old wearing peach colored jeans and… Continue reading Something amazing, I guess

Categorized as stories

What if you don’t want to hire someone until they can prove they have what it takes?

Do you want to hire talented people, but you also don’t want to commit? Do you find that you start disliking people after a while, and would rather spend a bunch of time making them do things for you first so you can be sure you won’t hate them later? Did you have to jump… Continue reading What if you don’t want to hire someone until they can prove they have what it takes?

Categorized as satire

Staying in Your Lane is Hard

For the first few years, Energy Ogre was fewer than ten people, and I was the only technical resource. We had contractors that came in for specialized work, but on most days, I was everything from technical support to the programmer behind all our systems.  These were tumultuous times, not tracking when days ended and nights began,… Continue reading Staying in Your Lane is Hard

Categorized as stories

Not All Men…

It is a sign of my privilege as a man that until very recently, I did not realize that “not all men” was the man equivalent of “all lives matter”. It’s the argument men jump to when they hear about a woman being harassed or discriminated against or otherwise mistreated in the workplace, or at… Continue reading Not All Men…

Things Are Getting Out Of Hand

The concept of hell as a place you go during your after life if you are “bad” has been around since the day humans developed the ability to bullshit. Some believe hell is weeping, wailing, gnashing of teeth, darkness, flames, burning, torments and everlasting punishment. Some others believe it is a low budget courtroom drama… Continue reading Things Are Getting Out Of Hand

Support Me and Help People with Multiple Sclerosis

I am riding in the BP MS 150 for the third time this year, and I could use your help. Every hour, someone is newly diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, an unpredictable disease of the central nervous system. Every year, the National MS Society organizes a two-day bike ride from Houston to Austin to raise awareness and funds to fuel research… Continue reading Support Me and Help People with Multiple Sclerosis